Your Body is your vehicle for life as long as you are here on this planet , live in it, love it honour and cherish it .treat it with respect it and I will guarantee it will serve you in kind
The medical system is run by big pharma we are not saying that the medical system that employs multi millions of well meaning professionals are bad at all we are saying is that Big Pharma is profit driven not the people on the ground doing their best to help humanity with the tools theay have been given
Big pharma is exempt from prosecution and the majority of people are good at their jobs and do save lives all we are saying is facts are facts these things below are 100% factual
APPROX 2.6 million PEOPLE DIE EACH YEAR DUE TO MEDICAL ERRORS dont believe me see the figures from the world health organization on this link
Further more
What are your chances of even getting into this life the facts are it is 1 in 400 billion sperm creates a pregnancy
go check the statistics they are on line
We would not be around if just one of the following processes hadn’t occurred (each event exponentially less likely to have occurred than the event prior to it): Your dad and mom decided to mate at the exact period of time they did. A male is constantly replacing millions of his sperm a day, so if your parents decided to mate a few months post/prior than they did, most likely, a different sperm would’ve met your mother’s egg, and you wouldn’t be born. Even using the fact that they DID mate at the time they did, there were millions of sperm released when they mated, and it had to be the EXACT right one out of millions sperm, with the EXACT right one of ~300,000 eggs from your mom. (Chance of birth is already extraordinary small, and we’re just getting started). The above process applied to your four grandparents…and your eight great-grandparents…and your sixteen great-great-grandparents…and all the way down your ~3.9 billion years of ancestral line. If just ONE of those ancestors died/didn’t have kids for whatever reason, you wouldn’t be born, meaning those exact environmental pressures/ecological events had to occur throughout the history of life on Earth.
What is the reason for me showing you this factual study that the system that can keep you in this life is in your gut this called the gut biome why does big pharma block hospitals from doing a simple low cost therapy that can save your life this is called a
Fecal transplant that in fact can do miracles and save your life cheaper than buying a cheap 2nd hand car and here is another studied fact
Go to the 3rd entry on the topline of this website and see fecal transplants
it will give you a short cut to freedom from big pharma attempting to kill you by not allowing fecal transplants in hospitals because of profits again
30% of people who have C diifucile die from anti biotic drugs after many treatments are given to these people and fecal transplants can save their lives more profit given motives
April 07, 2022|
By RisCassi & Davis P.C. It's a well-documented fact that adverse prescription drug effects and other medical errors are the third leading cause of death in America. Adverse drug events harm 2.7 million hospitalized patients in the U.S. annually, with over 106,000 deaths and that's just for hospitalized patients. Another 350,00 adverse drug events occur in U.S. nursing homes each year. And believe it or not, by most estimates, only 1-10% of adverse events are ever reported
And these people are going to tell you you cant do a simple proceedure that has been proven to change peoples lives if they dare to take their own lives in hand to literally do a simple proceedure that can stop the big pharma juggernaught from throwing pills down your throat that mde them 1 billion dollars from sticking needles in you and maiming and killing people mums dads kids along the way
1 billion dollars is a 1000 million
Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, and Sinovac made an extraordinary USD 90 billion in profits on their COVID-19 vaccines and medicines in 2021 and 2022. SOMO’s new report Pharma’s Pandemic Profits shows that these enormous gains are largely due to decades of research funded by public investment, billions in grants for development and production, and tens of billions in Advanced Purchase Agreements (APAs) with governments.
The video is at the bottom of this page please take the time to see what Nagalase is because it is in every vaccine and it is used to extend the life of vaccines itis in all vaccines
What is my opinion of Vaccines
They are good for everyone until they lace them with NAGALASE
Nagalase kills Macrophages
How important are macrophages?
Macrophages exist in various tissues, several body cavities, and around mucosal surfaces and are a vital part of the innate immune system for host defense against many pathogens and cancers.
Depending on the drug and type of cancer it treats, the average monthly cost of chemo drugs can range from $1,000 to $12,000. If a cancer patient requires four chemo sessions a year, it could cost them up to $48,000 total, which is beyond the average annual income.
see the truth here in this video
The medical system is run by big pharma we are not saying that the medical system that employs multi millions of well meaning professionals are bad at all we are saying is that Big Pharma is profit driven not the people on the ground doing their best to help humanity with the tools theay have been given
Big pharma is exempt from prosecution and the majority of people are good at their jobs and do save lives all we are saying is facts are facts these things below are 100% factual
APPROX 2.6 million PEOPLE DIE EACH YEAR DUE TO MEDICAL ERRORS dont believe me see the figures from the world health organization on this link
Further more
What are your chances of even getting into this life the facts are it is 1 in 400 billion sperm creates a pregnancy
go check the statistics they are on line
We would not be around if just one of the following processes hadn’t occurred (each event exponentially less likely to have occurred than the event prior to it): Your dad and mom decided to mate at the exact period of time they did. A male is constantly replacing millions of his sperm a day, so if your parents decided to mate a few months post/prior than they did, most likely, a different sperm would’ve met your mother’s egg, and you wouldn’t be born. Even using the fact that they DID mate at the time they did, there were millions of sperm released when they mated, and it had to be the EXACT right one out of millions sperm, with the EXACT right one of ~300,000 eggs from your mom. (Chance of birth is already extraordinary small, and we’re just getting started). The above process applied to your four grandparents…and your eight great-grandparents…and your sixteen great-great-grandparents…and all the way down your ~3.9 billion years of ancestral line. If just ONE of those ancestors died/didn’t have kids for whatever reason, you wouldn’t be born, meaning those exact environmental pressures/ecological events had to occur throughout the history of life on Earth.
What is the reason for me showing you this factual study that the system that can keep you in this life is in your gut this called the gut biome why does big pharma block hospitals from doing a simple low cost therapy that can save your life this is called a
Fecal transplant that in fact can do miracles and save your life cheaper than buying a cheap 2nd hand car and here is another studied fact
Go to the 3rd entry on the topline of this website and see fecal transplants
it will give you a short cut to freedom from big pharma attempting to kill you by not allowing fecal transplants in hospitals because of profits again
30% of people who have C diifucile die from anti biotic drugs after many treatments are given to these people and fecal transplants can save their lives more profit given motives
April 07, 2022|
By RisCassi & Davis P.C. It's a well-documented fact that adverse prescription drug effects and other medical errors are the third leading cause of death in America. Adverse drug events harm 2.7 million hospitalized patients in the U.S. annually, with over 106,000 deaths and that's just for hospitalized patients. Another 350,00 adverse drug events occur in U.S. nursing homes each year. And believe it or not, by most estimates, only 1-10% of adverse events are ever reported
And these people are going to tell you you cant do a simple proceedure that has been proven to change peoples lives if they dare to take their own lives in hand to literally do a simple proceedure that can stop the big pharma juggernaught from throwing pills down your throat that mde them 1 billion dollars from sticking needles in you and maiming and killing people mums dads kids along the way
1 billion dollars is a 1000 million
Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, and Sinovac made an extraordinary USD 90 billion in profits on their COVID-19 vaccines and medicines in 2021 and 2022. SOMO’s new report Pharma’s Pandemic Profits shows that these enormous gains are largely due to decades of research funded by public investment, billions in grants for development and production, and tens of billions in Advanced Purchase Agreements (APAs) with governments.
The video is at the bottom of this page please take the time to see what Nagalase is because it is in every vaccine and it is used to extend the life of vaccines itis in all vaccines
What is my opinion of Vaccines
They are good for everyone until they lace them with NAGALASE
Nagalase kills Macrophages
How important are macrophages?
Macrophages exist in various tissues, several body cavities, and around mucosal surfaces and are a vital part of the innate immune system for host defense against many pathogens and cancers.
Depending on the drug and type of cancer it treats, the average monthly cost of chemo drugs can range from $1,000 to $12,000. If a cancer patient requires four chemo sessions a year, it could cost them up to $48,000 total, which is beyond the average annual income.
see the truth here in this video