Will and Lyn Bayley
[email protected]
We are water Machines walking in a sea of frequencies and light
Will and Lyn have a combined 72 years of experience in natural health and Herbal remedies
NHM would like to welcome you to what some of our patients call a Miracle clinic and invite you to look at our success using frequencies for the last 20 years
The order of Life is
Deep breathing
Water 3.3 litres a day for average Male / 2.5 litres a day for average female
Nutrition & age appropriate Exercise to condition of the body
They are categorized as proteins, fats, carbohydrates (sugars, dietary fiber), vitamins, and minerals, In this clinic most of the patients we see over the age of 30 we see chronic inflammation in the gut and that is why people who take vitamins over the age of 50 rarely get benefits from both vitamins and protein due to lack of enzymes also can be
poor food choices stress and poor lifestyle choices
we can scan you and give you the advice you require about how to reduce inflammation and stress related to gut Brain Issues which have been on the rise for the last ten years
We choose to work hand in hand with Medicine if required we will refer to a Medical Doctor
First things first Water is simply the biggest problem I come across with 90% of the patients that come to my clinic and people do not know enough about water nor do they realize that with the population growth we now do not have water from dams that have minerals from the creeks and rivers that run into them it now comes from
1 Sewers are tested by the police to find the suburbs where the chronic drug users such as ice and other chronic drugs are being used
4.8 million Australians are over 65 that is around one fifth of Australians and those also have chemical drugs that are going into the sewers that in itself should worry you
Ground water
Ground water has now got trillions of tons of toxic Glyphosate in
the recycled water from rainfall and so it goes with tank water people are putting in to get better water because it also contains Glyphosate (toxic poison)
We can show you in front of your eyes and give you an analysis from the state laboratories in Plain st Perth it will scare you
so bring whatever water you are drinking including bottled and filtered water
After that we then do our analysis using 4 of the worlds most advanced scanning systems
If you can't get here that's still ok we can scan you anywhere in the world using both face and voice recognition
If that worries you My wife Lyn scanned a patient in a country town recently and assessed, she had a prolapse amongst much more 100% correct she was blown away as she had just got the results of her $800 dollar medical scan that also loads your body with Radiation
no more needs to be said it's your choice
We Practise and work with Genetic profiling of DNA please ask us about the benefits of DNA profiling This is a small investment in your future that can have big dividends
Genetics and epigenetics allow you to know what foods enhance your best qualities
what works for you and what doesnt work or you both in food and supplementation as
well we will show you how to maintain the healthiest life style suited to your genetic predisposition
Will Bayley ND trained with Medical specialists in Queensland using EIS medical scanning 93% Accurate and 84% specific technology and is certified with certificate 1 and 2 in Medical scanning technology certified by ARTG in 2012
Hi, my name is Melissa Williams Naturopath from Mandurah WA.
what i am going to tell you now is 100% truth
When I came to this clinic Will scanned me with the Medi Scan investigation system and told me about my health issues in a matter of only minutes it took the medical doctors over 6 months of intensive research to find
This totally stunned me as to how can this system could pick up what I was suffering from in around only 7 minutes
I endured many blood tests, lung biopsies, MRIs and CT Scans. Out of all the medical investigation techniques available to Orthodox medicine, this detection system outstripped everything modern medicine had to offer me. It told me in medical terminology with a full description of my Lung condition and spinal affliction.
DEUTERIUM DELETED WATER /GREEN DRINK /Biophoton Drops changed my life
All Will did was put earphones on me and pushed a button. The rest is history.
I have now been fully trained in Mediscan Gold investigation systems and I now have joined with Lyn to promote what I call the most amazing scanning and healing system that I have ever seen. I now see the same results that I have had myself with the patients I treat and I have never ever seen these results before.
Melissa Williams, Naturopath, Reg. ANTA 13283
l[email protected]m
Gary Brekka worked for an insurance company assessing how long people have to live for 20 years he then turned to Natural health to help people survive and extend peoples lives for a living
He assessed that Dana White had 10.8 years to live
See what he did with Dana White by extending his life span potential from 65 to 95
Dana Is the owner of the worlds fastest growing sport UFC however he is no different from you even though he is a billioniare he was stil chronically sick with all that medicine did for him over 20 plus years he was a walking disaster due to his activated MTHFR genes (you will get to know this word it is responsible for many chronic ilnesses around the world)
I have the same / similar geneset to Dana White as well as a few others if I hadnt become a Naturopath
43 years ago I wouldnt be here now
I have the same / similar gene set to Dana White as well as a few others
Genetic tests are low cost and can tell you all we want to know about how to get you better absolutely no guessing straight down the line we will know all there is to know about you even if we never met you as long as we have that information we can tell you all about about you once we see the genetic profile
This is a basic chart that shows you how if Medical doctors were trained in genetics
Dana Whites horror story would never have happened MTHFR is a well known and common issue with around 60% of people have it activated after stress effects their live
Below is well explained video of how Cancer and many other disorders are activated when protein is not synthesized correctly and SNPS (snips) which can tell us more about you body than any scan or specialist information that may come forward
genetic profiling is low cost and an essential when over the age of Fifty ask about the cost (the same price as changing one new tyre on a Landcruiser)
This clinic uses Red light therapy and Hyperbaric medicine see the following movie
This healing system is here in Mandurah right now and we do Genetic profiling and we fix the cracks that appear from chronic stress poor diet and genetic predisposititions
with the equipment here we help many people back to real life again after chronic illness patients can start to live and get joy out of life as they did before
This the only Hue light centre in Australia and it in Mandurah WA this is how Dana White healed his body by purchasing $270,000 dollars of this amazing equipment to oxygenate and stimulate his ATP and Mitochondria which is basically fuel for the human body and we have it all here
Why would a licence Plumber become a Naturopath!!
I am 80 in two years I was chronically sick when I was 27 the Doctors told me I wouldnt make 30 if I didnt take medication for the rest of my life
I was having panic attacks every day for several years until I found my life saver Mr Schifferli in James St Perth in 3 months he got me better 45 years ago using frequency and natural herbs
I found Herbal Medicine / Natural therapies / Frequency healing by Accident my plumbing boss told me about a herbalist in Perth and three months later I was feeling fantastic after ten years of medicine and panic attacks and all that goes with it
I have grown younger over the years why!! because I did my genetic profiling and found I had the double compound homozygous MTHFR genes of which 60+percent of my patient carry these genes and when they are activated (generally through stress) marriage breakdown /accidents /medical intervention where not neccesary and many other co factors
48 years old 59 75
Oxygen Therapy /Hydrogen/Photo Bio-modulation Therapy/Perl M Resonant Light Therapy/Hydrogen Therapy and much more
Genetic Profiling
We work with Genetics we can take a swab inside the mouth and have a report within 6 weeks that will show us your every possibility for future diseases that are well established in your DNA report from both parents genetic lines these possibilities can be exposed and with the help of computer driven prognosis we can now save our patients from having to suffer what their forefathers had no control over
Using gene transcriptions,frequency healing, supplementation and diet
We can help prevent what may have been catastrophic for the crazy price of $690
(around the cost of a spare tyre for your motor car or if you like a standard service for your car can expose your genetic history we can show you what virtually could be your future chronic issues delayed permanently using genetic profiling
We would like to thank you for visiting our site and relay to you that we have the most advanced Happy gene technology as well as frequency healing clinic in Australia right here in Mandurah WA
What the mind can concieve you can achieve
What the mind can concieve you can achieve
This Resonant light machine Machine below kills Cancer cells using frequency our clinic is fitted out with the worlds latest technology as previously said Hue lite is basically a MED BED
when the Resonant light is used in conjuction with the 7500 lights we have the worlds foremost natural healing system
This is used in our Clinic on a daily basis 100% free of charge
when the Resonant light is used in conjuction with the 7500 lights we have the worlds foremost natural healing system
This is used in our Clinic on a daily basis 100% free of charge
This is used in our Clinic on a daily basis
Testimonials are only taken after 12 months of wellness
there is only 1 testimonial on this page we have around fifty including videos on testimonial page 3 on this site
The reason we have left her on the front page is because she was having panic attacks for 26 years on strong medications to no avail
in a matter of a total of 1 hour we used a mini
Mediscan device as well as our Mediscan desk unit to change the polarity of her cells and her video evidence tells the story she has never had another panic attack and never taken another drug for her chronic issues
there is only 1 testimonial on this page we have around fifty including videos on testimonial page 3 on this site
The reason we have left her on the front page is because she was having panic attacks for 26 years on strong medications to no avail
in a matter of a total of 1 hour we used a mini
Mediscan device as well as our Mediscan desk unit to change the polarity of her cells and her video evidence tells the story she has never had another panic attack and never taken another drug for her chronic issues
Video Testimonials
The Girl below Kelly came to us 6.15am in the morning in only 30 minutes we changed her life after taking medical drugs from the age of 14 until 40 the Mediscan frequency system changed her life for her from the time Kelly got on the table here two years ago
she hasn't taken another medical drug from that day Kelly gave us the testimonial after 1 year see the brain wave change from Chaos to Calm in 30 minutes using a miniature Perl M namely a Mediscan Gold frequency generator The Machine above PERL M is $15000 the Mediscan gold is only $1800 but does the same work only portable used for convenience you carry it on you
Also we changed her water to Deuterium Deleted Water which was also a big part of the problem
she hasn't taken another medical drug from that day Kelly gave us the testimonial after 1 year see the brain wave change from Chaos to Calm in 30 minutes using a miniature Perl M namely a Mediscan Gold frequency generator The Machine above PERL M is $15000 the Mediscan gold is only $1800 but does the same work only portable used for convenience you carry it on you
Also we changed her water to Deuterium Deleted Water which was also a big part of the problem
We specialize in Re Regulating Genetic predipositions
Patients that carry chronic illnesses may have one or both of the MTHFR genes it is called Methylation
or Protein synthesis once it generally is passive however we believe that once a major stress from a loss or death can activate the MTHFR issues into activating some negative aspects and then issues with Protein synthesis and high levels of homocysteine can trigger some Cancers in particular Colon Cancer
We can establish your status be prepared for what some may call miracles to happen for you when we regulate your genome re establish gut and brain Neuro transmitter function and regulate the CH3 cycle its just like a miracle we can show you in real time with a single scan and hair analysis and give you a 30 page document that may change your life for the better we can send your hair for an analysis to Germany and have a 32 page epigenetic report on your genes in a matter of 25 minutes with new age technology (this is a medical orientated company)
https://nourishingtherapies.com.au/cellcore-biosciences/ chronic gut issues
or Protein synthesis once it generally is passive however we believe that once a major stress from a loss or death can activate the MTHFR issues into activating some negative aspects and then issues with Protein synthesis and high levels of homocysteine can trigger some Cancers in particular Colon Cancer
We can establish your status be prepared for what some may call miracles to happen for you when we regulate your genome re establish gut and brain Neuro transmitter function and regulate the CH3 cycle its just like a miracle we can show you in real time with a single scan and hair analysis and give you a 30 page document that may change your life for the better we can send your hair for an analysis to Germany and have a 32 page epigenetic report on your genes in a matter of 25 minutes with new age technology (this is a medical orientated company)
https://nourishingtherapies.com.au/cellcore-biosciences/ chronic gut issues
Below is a simple explanation of the CH3 cycle that affects many after chronic stress episodes that have the ability to activate the bodies ability to be able to methylate (break down protein)
This is the best busines to learn about MTHFR see this site
https://fullyfunctional.com/blog/what-is-mthfr-all-you-need-to-know-about-methylation-and-mthfr/ Phone : (317) 989-8463
Just as a finishing note self correcting therapy using Meditation can be the release you require going forward watch the videos below it may be the break you need to restart your life at any age
Absent Hair Analysis
If you are in another state in Australia or any place in the world you can send us your hair we do the most complete analysis and resend it back to you in a matter of hours see the video below we can send you our Biophoton drops that will have an outcome similar to the equivalent of 5 Acupuncture treatments
Interesting sites
The Link Between Leaky Gut and Microbiome with Dr. Brad Leech – Nourishme Organics
https://youtu.be/5YV_iKnzDRg light therapy